Then we escalate to fractions and decimals and non-terminating decimals (although historically was not in this order). The ladder continues to the irrational numbers and to the algebraic and transcendental numbers. This is the "world" or universe of the real numbers.
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Every real number has a specific place on the Number Line. |
The next heaven after the real numbers field is the imaginary numbers; numbers that in combination with the reals make the complex numbers field.
But how complex are the complex numbers? Curiously, they are as simple as the "preceding" ones.
The negative numbers haunted the mathematicians and philosophers for many centuries; no wonder the misnomer "negative". Even the number zero took a long time before it was accepted in the kingdom of the mathematics (in Europe, where it was later accepted.) It was unacceptable to count "backward".
The imaginary numbers suffered the same fate: no wonder the epithet of "imaginary". The square root of minus 1 was impossible to compute because no number times itself is equal to minus 1.
Take a read at this article: "The imaginary numbers are not so imaginary and the complex Numbers are not so complex" and you will see how easily and beautifully the complex numbers emerge out of the real numbers.