Perspective Drawing

An illustration from the book: The Essentials of Perspective showing the vanishing point at eye level.
Perspective is everywhere.
The Essentials of Perspective is a simple book about how to draw true-perspective landscapes.

The book, by the late Prof. L. W. Miller, is the perfect acquisition for the artist of the pen and ink media.

The book is not a complicated and hard-to-follow textbook in the somewhat-abstract field of projective geometry. Its the opposite: an easy to follow book suitable for high school and college students.

Another illustration from the book: The Essentials of Perspective showing the shadows in combination with perspective.
Shadows also show perspective.
The Essentials of Perspective is a fully illustrated book, with more than one hundred figures.

To drawing or paint a correct perspective we have to take into account the always present illusion of the vanishing point at the far horizon.

The book not only covers the correct depiction of the converging lines in a true perspective but also shows how to take the always present shadow of the objects.

Want to unleash the artist within you? Do you want to start drawing simple objects from your surroundings? Don't want to buy expensive art materials? Then, this book and a simple sketchbook are all you need!

Cover page of the free EBook: Essentials of Perspective.
Essentials of Perspective.
A simple exercise in shadows from the book: The Essentials of Perspective.
Drawing shadows of rounded objects is not easy.